Theaters, movie theaters in many countries are equipped with included jammers
Depending on the mode of operation, suppliers can operate on different frequencies.Sticks on the steering wheel locks on the pedals, multiple locks on the gearbox, sirens.Used to interfere with the working frequency of mobile operators.The equipment on the car to suppress the signal works by creating radio frequency interference at the frequencies that transmit the wanted pulses. Typically, for each model, professional car thieves have a set of tools and specialized equipment that will allow you to bypass the alarm and open the car.The use of a muffler makes it impossible to use a satellite system to monitor the position of the machine.The working standards of the operators also affect here.Using these signal jammer , thieves can prevent stolen vehicles from being followed.A car thief can usually get through all these defenses without a problem. Usually, special radio equipment is used for this - a so-called repeater system, which receives the signal of the or...