How a wireless wifi bluetooth jammer Can Keep You Safe Online ?

 Today almost everything is connected via the internet. Unfortunately, this interconnectedness has made it incredibly easy for cybercriminals to access financial information, personal information, and other things on your computer that aren’t intended for the public.

How do you stay safe online during this era? 

One solution is a piece of technology known as a wireless wifi bluetooth jammer. What’s a wifi jammer, you ask? If you want to know the answer to this question and more, then you’re in the right place. Let’s get started!

What Is a Wifi Jammer? 

WiFi jamming is the process of disrupting or interrupting wireless communication by disabling the WiFi transmitter.

This can be done by either blocking or overpowering the WiFi signal with a stronger signal. This way, someone can easily intercept the signal of any wireless local area network.

This can happen in various ways, such as through WiFi hacking, radio interference from Bluetooth, or broadcasting on the same 802.11 channels as a legitimate access point. The most common cause is when someone with malicious intent hacks into a legitimate access point, but it’s also possible for wifi to be jammed by unintentional means.

WiFi jamming can also be caused by unintentional means, such as when a user broadcasts on the same channel as an access point or when there is too much interference from other devices.

This helps keep any sensitive personal or business information secure when you’re accessing it. If you want to learn more about interceptor wifi jammer, then make sure to check out our jammer mart guide.

How Does a Wifi Jammer Keep You Safe Online?

In the past, hackers typically had to have access to hardware, or specific log-in information, to gain access to the documents on a computer. However, a relatively recent invention known as Bluetooth has made it much easier for cybercriminals to access this type of sensitive information.

If you use a device that gives off a Bluetooth signal, then you’re at risk for a malware attack. Indeed, one study found that over five billion devices are at risk of these highly infectious malware attacks.

So, why is Bluetooth a problem? Well, when you transfer documents via Bluetooth you’re doing so at a 2.4 GHz frequency band. Unfortunately, the ubiquity of this frequency makes it an easy backdoor option for cybercriminals.

The most popular attack method is known as BlueBorne. This method uses malware to spread a virus that gives them access to personal information on your computer.

The scariest thing is that all that attacks need to spread this malware is for your Bluetooth signal to be turned on. The good news is that a wireless internet blocker blocks this signal. As such, whenever it’s turned on you’re safe from potential attacks. 


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